By Bob Goemans
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Bob Goemans corresponds with Gary Solomon (Australia)

Gary Solomon (Australia) writes...

Dear Bob,

I regularly read your column in FAMA. I have also read some of your earlier books that I source via the web through Champion Lighting and Supply. I am after your latest CD book. Unfortunately it is not available here and Champion Lighting does not advertise it on their web site. I have tried a few other suppliers without any luck. Can you tell me where I can source a copy of your latest book via the internet?


Gary Solomon


Bob replies...

Hi Gary,

Actually, there are now 5 booklets and a CD book called 'The New Wave.' Checkout my new website at and let me know what you think.

I suggest contacting Doctors Foster & Smith (see my page called 'Bob's Books' on my website). You can call free of charge at their 800 number (800-443-1160) or contact them via their website at and place the order there. They will then figure out the shipping charge and contact you back with that amount. If happy, place the order with them. So will That Fish Place - check my website for more info.




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